Iman has always enjoyed creating delicious desserts for others, and she's put her hands in the dough once again to help create a future free of Childhood Cancer. Through her tasty pastry passion, Iman brings joy to everyone with each bite from her desserts while spreading awareness for Childhood Cancer. She's a shining example that you can discover new things about yourself at any age, growing your ability to give to others, in the face of devastating experiences.
In the summer of 2014, Iman and Sam’s daughter, Hana, just 7 years old, began having unexplained seizures. After a plethora of tests, it was discovered that their little girl was diagnosed with a grade 111 anaplastic ependymoma brain tumor. While the tumor was removed, Hana's left side of the brain was significantly damaged, and she had fallen into a coma for almost two weeks. Doctors said there were slim chances that she would pull through. But by a miracle, immense love and hope of Hana’s parents and family, along with extensive treatments, 7 years later she is making a steady recovery and regaining her independence. Hana has since discovered a love for jewelry making and helping her mom bake some of the most mouth-watering pastries.
What Hana and her family faced is a heartbreaking reality for many across the globe. And so, Iman puts on her apron once again to raise funds for Childhood Cancer for her annual fundraiser. This year, Iman's baking brand Maison Belhana raised $4,400.00 for Believe in the Gold as part of her ongoing fundraiser for Childhood Cancer Awareness.
Iman and Hana are true #WARRIORS, bringing happiness with smiles that brighten up the world around them.
Stay connected via Instagram at @maisonbelhana, on Facebook at Iman Belhana and Maison Belhana, a taste of joy. Follow her sweet-tooth journey on the Maison Belhana blog to order desserts and contribute to the fundraiser.

Satisfy your sweet tooth by helping others, or get creative with your very own fundraiser in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
From all of us at Believe in the Gold, we thank you for the support!